Ginny Franco
Ginny Franco retired after 30 years of service with the City of Alexandria in the Office of Voter Registration and Elections. During those years, she served as Assistant Registrar and retired as the Deputy Registrar of Voters. Ginny served under four of the five Registrars that the City had to that time. She earned CERA National Certification from the National Association of Election Officials. After retirement, she served as Deputy Registrar for Fairfax County on a temporary appointment. Prior to that, she served as a Special Assistant and Absentee Voting Specialist for State Board of Elections for two years.
During her employment years, Ginny served on the Boards of the Voter Registrars Association of Virginia, Equal Employment Opportunity Committee and the Council of Governments Election Officials Technical Committee. She is a Food Pantry volunteer and Capitol Area Food Bank Representative at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, and currently serves as the Usher Team Coordinator. She is also a Mass Coordinator, Eucharistic Minister and occasional office support staff. Ginny is married, has two daughters and five wonderful grandchildren.