The Focus on the Push to Increase Building Heights

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Agenda Alexandria will take a look at a proposal making its way through city hall that would allow developers to increase the height of new buildings in many areas of the city beyond that allowed in the current Master Plan.  The pursuit of more housing units in exchange for more height will be the topic for the October 24 program.

Specifically, the proposed ordinance would allow bonus height to be utilized in zones with a 45-foot height limit up to 70 feet.  The ordinance stems from the city’s commitment to boost the number of new housing unit from the present roughly 800 new units annually to 1,100 annually.

The proposal is part of Alexandria’s  “Zoning for Housing” initiative that aims to increase both market-rate and affordable housing.


  • James F. Parajon, Alexandria’s City Manager
  • Nate Hurto, Co-founder of Save Del Ray
  • Kamilah McAfee, Senior Vice President of Real Estate Development for Wesley Housing


The program will be held at the Lyceum, Alexandria’s History Museum, located at 201 S. Washington Street.  It will begin at 7:00 pm and run until 8:15 p.m. and it will be preceded by a reception beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We will also be live-streaming the program through our social networks, in collaboration with the Alexandria City High School Broadcast Club and The Zebra newspaper.


Welcome to Agenda: Alexandria, Alexandria’s premier organization exploring the issues that our City and our community face.  Join us for our monthly programs to better understand the issues. – Ricardo Alfaro, Chair

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