Small Businesses in Alexandria: An Exploration of Challenges and Solutions

Alexandria has a record number of small businesses compared to other cities; Agenda Alexandria will look at many issues that have impacted small businesses at our February 27 program.

COVID has hit all businesses hard but what is the impact of post-COVID commercial real estate trends and rents.  How has the downturn of tourism during COVID affected Alexandria business?  Are there any new tax/licensing issues on small businesses being considered?  Have the large companies like Amazon had a negative or positive impact on small businesses?  What are the city resources for small businesses — have they been cut or increased?

Please join us on Monday evening Monday, February 27 at 6:30 PM at the George Washington Masonic Memorial. It will begin at 7:00 pm and run until 8:15 p.m. and it will be preceded by a reception beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We will also be live-streaming the program through our social networks, in collaboration with the Alexandria City High School Broadcast Club and The Zebra newspaper.


Bill Reagan – founder and executive director of the Alexandria Small Business Development Center

Sharon Oliver – Past president of the Commercial Real Estate Brokers Association, past president of NAIOP DC MD, and past president and founding member of Commercial Real Estate Women

Troy Englert – executive and investor

Senay Gebremedhin – Economic Recovery Manager at the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership

Kevin Harris – President of the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority Resident Association


Elizabeth Seltzer, Agenda Alexandria Vice Chair


Welcome to Agenda: Alexandria, Alexandria’s premier organization exploring the issues that our City and our community face.  Join us for our monthly programs to better understand the issues. – Ricardo Alfaro, Chair

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